Wednesday, February 24, 2016

So They Say

The power is going to go off tonight; yet another winter storm. Not a big deal: we just got another load of firewood in, we have propane for the emergency cooker, etc... plenty of food in the house, so we're set. After all, it's a sure bet that we will lose power sometime during the year, most especially in winter. Anyway, thought I'd publish a post whilst I could since it generally takes them some time to get the power back on.

Thought I'd share some photos from the busy day yesterday; the kidling and I stopped by the cemetery where Dad is buried and I took the opportunity to take a few snaps.

First dandelion of the season... good thing they're tough, it's likely frozen by now. Click on any photo to embiggen.

Assorted headstones; the last is that of a Civil War veteran.

Last but not least: I don't generally like pranks but would li love to be able to do something like this when encountering people like the old gentleman who simply would not stop staring at me and whispering with his companions last night! Bwahaha!


  1. That was hilarious, the looks on the faces of the (fleeing) customers. LOL Back to the photos, I like visiting cemeteries, especially one in our area where relatives are buried, among them Civil War veteran. I hope your storms aren't too bad and that you miss a power outage. Even when you're well prepared, as we are too, it's still nicer when they don't happen. :-)

  2. Sometimes I would love my screams of rage (mostly silent) to have that power. Really, really love it.
    Good luck on the power front.
    And I do like cemeteries. The older the better. Hugs.

  3. I am very pleased you know in advance that your power will go off. Maybe you have some powers like the lass in the video, which was quite amusing.

    1. It's ironic; our power didn't actually go off, but that of the internet service provider did for a few hours, lol.

  4. Good to know you are well prepared for the upcoming power outage. The only thing I have ready is a torch always in the same place so I can find it easily in the dark.

    That prank is more scary than funny. If I saw that happening, I'd be out of that cafe so fast you'd think I'd never been in there.

    1. I'd be out of there like a shot myself, truth be told, lol.

  5. Being prepared is a good thing. We always lose power on a clear sunny day. Big snow storm? Nope. Sun shining? Yep! Weird lol

    1. We get power outages in summer as well; usually as a result of a thunderstorm or tornado.

  6. I'm intrigued by the art in cemeteries. Not a place you'd expect your imagination to be piqued.

    1. We're fascinated by the pyramids and such; most of which were funeral monuments.

  7. I sure hope there was no one in that place with a heart condition or panic-anxiety disorder. The scream was one step too far for my tastes. San Geraldo would not do well seeing this and then losing power tonight!

    1. Seeing that all the customers were young, relatively attractive and healthy... I suspect the whole thing was a set-up. You probably know I wouldn't actually do something like that (even if I could) but on the really frustrating days it can be cathartic to imagine doing so.

  8. Oh, that video is TOO funny! It would scare the bejesus out of me too.

  9. LOL--that is too funny. I had this open to comment last night and did not get down here. think I had a phone call.

  10. The cemetery reminds me of the one in my hometown.
    Finally got your new blog in my feed. See you 'round!

  11. Isn't that the truth about the power going to go out at some point! Love the cemetery pictures.


C'mon, be cranky and let 'er rip!