Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Meanwhile, In Michigan..

Children are dying or suffering permanent brain damage because Michigan's governor, Rick Snyder, wanted to save 15% on the water bill. Whilst a government official wanting to save money is a wonderment to all, doing so at the cost of children's lives and futures is not on according to The Cranky. One would think that eliminating this crisis and beginning the support and care of the children (and their families) who have been affected by lead poisoning would be of the highest priority... nay, not so!

Instead, the head clown and his cohorts (Head Clown)

have opted to take on the immensely important issue of... wait for it... making anal and oral sex between consenting adults illegal. One wonders, but not too much, how they intend to catch perpetrators 'in on the act'. It bothers me not one whit if they prefer to get their jollies with strictly procreative sex. Why? Because it's none of my damn business. Besides which, the thought of spying on them causes moi to shudder. A lot. By the same token, what hairless bipedal creatures capable of giving informed consent (i.e.: adult humans who are reasonably intelligent and are conscious and able to speak) decide to do with their bodies is not the business of government. The end. And if some Nosy Parker tries to mess in my bedroom business and survives the horror of seeing me naked, I fully intend to chop off their nose (s). 

Take that Mrs. Grundy!

Links to more information:


  1. I bet his kids have plenty of water to drink.

    Hello, Cranky. I'm Blue.

    1. Hi Blue, I'm The Cranky formerly known as Jacqueline and Randomosity. ;-)

    2. Jacqueline and Randomosity... How come The Cat didn't inform me?

    3. Because it's more fun watching you try to figure it out?

  2. Is everyone horrified, do you think, or only people who think as we do? You have to wonder how something so horrific can fail to affect voters' thinking, and yet the majority seem immune.

    1. People who think are horrified; the average person seems to prefer having their thinking done for them.

    2. Your answer pretty much sums it up.

    3. I really wish it didn't Colette.

  3. I thought sex laws like that were all arcane. I cannot believe there are still folks out there trying to pass new legislation.

    1. The federal government actually put a stop to the so-called 'blue' laws in the '90's, or tried to. Seems these folks 'know better'.

  4. Replies
    1. I'm glad you're away from the all-old, totally retrogressive, climate here. <3

  5. What a bunch of morons. I hope the parents are suing the ass off of them.

    1. Well Pat, to add insult to injury, Michigan has 'solved' the problem of Flint parents refusing to pay some of the highest water bills in the country for water they can't use by... taking people's homes for unpaid bills after as little as 90 days.

      People who may have a dead or extremely brain-damaged child or children.

    2. I'd burn the damn place down before I let such crooks have it

  6. His nose? If he shows up in my bedroom, he will WISH it was his nose I removed! Michigan should go bankrupt with the class action suit for the Flint families. The anti-consulting-adults crap is just a flimsy attempt at distraction.

    1. Read my reply to Pat Hatt, Toni... they aren't trying to distract, they're just that vicious, arrogant and stupid.

  7. Water is something most of us don't think about, especially "city" water. I am conscious of water; I use a well. Every few years I have it tested by the county, and pay a nominal fee (less than $50, I think) to be assured my water is safe to drink. I don't take my water for granted; this area also uses septic systems and is fighting the fracking. The infrastructure of this country is growing so old, perhaps everyone should purchase an inexpensive home water testing kit and see if their pipes are leaching lead. This is not to take any responsibility away from Flint's feckless officials, but to suggest people could take responsibility to know what is going on around them.

    1. Agreed Joanne; unfortunately, that area - like so many around the country - is so poverty-stricken that even a nominal fee could likely be out of reach for many.

  8. Replies
    1. Right there with you and in tears after watching this:

  9. Both are shockers but only one would be laughable if it wasn't so serious.

    The poisoned water, and that is what it was, is just awful and the affected are quite innocent and deserve full community and government support.

    1. Deserve it, but are unlikely to get it... from the government at least. Many private individuals, as well as groups like the Plumbers Union, are reaching out where and how they can.

  10. Where on earth did you find that video?? I haven't heard that since high school!
    Shocking about the children ill from the water, that should never have happened and of course they deserve support and compensation. Which will turn out to be far more costly than what doing the right thing would have been.

    1. I found the vid on youtube... my mother and oldest brother played it endlessly; I can sing the entire song, to this day, without the aid of a teleprompter.

      Looks like the main perpetrators of the water crisis in Flint Michigan will be facing manslaughter charges in the very near future.

  11. He needs his head put on straight, methinks. He has such a distorted view of right and wrong.

    1. I have to agree, but it seems that he'll be facing manslaughter charges soon so justice may be served at least.

  12. Riiiiight. All we need is government involvement in yet one more aspect of our lives.

  13. How bloody ridiculous! They're trying to hark back to times I thought had long passed!

    Have they nothing better, nothing more important to do? They have, of course, but are too damned ignorant to know!

  14. And I'm glad I found you again, Jacqueline...I got a shock the other day when your other blog had disappeared. But with the help of others they directed me here. :)

    1. I realised today that your blog, along with two others, was among those I'd deleted... and I didn't want to lose yours! Glad you made your way here. =)

  15. OMG, I'd be arrested on at least one account.

  16. Would I be right in thinking that this guy is a signed-up member of some nutty church?

    1. What's a nice man like you doing in a place like this Cro?

      In this instance, you wouldn't be right although I can't speak for Michigan's legislature. Flint Michigan, like Detroit, was powered by the automotive industry which left the area a couple of decades or more ago; the people who could migrated out of the city shortly thereafter. Now, with a population less than half of what it was, say, 25 years ago and with the city in massive debt, a decaying infrastructure, etc... the government was trying to save money by pumping water from the nearby river. They also ignored and buried reports which stated repeatedly that the water was dirty, dangerous and poisonous.

      As for the 'blue' laws, we're going through one of those cycles of extreme conservatism, as is most of the rest of the world, seemingly. It's not pretty and will require something explosive to bring it to an end; we just don't seem to learn.

  17. Jacqueline, we couldn't believe it when we read that Flint was getting drinking water from the river. My husband is from Michigan, his father worked in the auto industry, he knows that water can't possibly be made drinkable! It's sheer insanity.

  18. What happened in Flint is an abomination. I am so angry, here in Oregon, that action wasn't immediately taken and that they are not immediately replacing the corroded pipes. People need to be in jail! And yet nobody has been held accountable. This makes me mad!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.


C'mon, be cranky and let 'er rip!