Saturday, April 2, 2016

A Reason to Celebrate

I have a confession to make. Despite what I wrote on my last blog post:  'Right now, I'm taking it as very positive that Jim has made it to this stage in the 'vetting process for the transplant, many don't.'  I have been worried sick. For those who didn't follow my old blog... Six family members died in a 6 month period last year, including siblings and my Pop. How could I not worry? Whilst there is still room for worrying, (worrywart being my middle name) we've been given good news and a reason to celebrate. After, as he put it, "three days of poking and prodding" at the Indiana University Medical Center he's made the list! That doesn't, however, mean that he will have the lung transplant immediately. He goes back in July for a series of injections to help prepare his body for the surgery and to find out where he is on the waiting list. He'll have a single lung transplant, which will give him a few more good years; certainly more than he would have otherwise. You can find information about lung transplants >Here<.

Speaking of Jim, the nephew who shared the second magnolia photo on the last post is his son Dana. This is Dana and his partner, Stefanie.

I find it mildly irritating that this is the 'heaviest' he's been in his life... like my father and Jim, (and my own true love) he's a lean, mean, eatin' machine. Harrumph! 

Surprise bonus: His two daughters, Kyleigh and Charlie.

 Who knows, I may be able to concentrate on writing now.

A little something from Jim's musical era:


  1. Your nephew reminds me of guys on Alternate Dudes. No, don't go there. Yes, remember your awful year of last. What an experience you bro is going through. We can only hope that there is a good outcome at what seems so far down the track. I think I will listen to Morrison before I sleep tonight.

    1. I did go there. LOL. That whole part of the family are very attractive; I stick out like a sore thumb!

  2. Losing 6 family members in 6 months must have been unspeakably hard. So sorry to hear that. I'm hoping for the best for Jim.

  3. I had that kind of year last year too, so I understand how you feel and why you worry. July will be here before you know it. Praying for the best for Jim.

    Cindy Bee

    1. I knew you would understand Cindy and thank you.

  4. So much is one step forward and two back. This news reverses the trend for now.
    My fourteen year old grandson is a lean eating machine, too. Like my father, who he never knew, France will be tall and lean.

    1. Yes, this year is looking far better than last thus far.

      France does look like he's built like them, he's a handsome young man. =)

  5. Good luck to Jim -- may he receive his new lung soon!

  6. the photo of Kyleigh and Charlie is gorgeous

    1. Thank you Mr. Wheeler. One of their friends is a pro, a very good pro, and did the photo shoot from whence this came.

  7. So far so good on the lean eating front at my sea. Great pics too. Hopefully the transplant will come due.

  8. Of course you worried. And still will worry. Somedays I am coninced that if I knew where my worry button was I would disconnect it. Permanently.
    Lean mean eating machines are irritating, but those who, like my partner, can successfully 'think thin' are worse.

    1. Yes, I'll still worry, but we've crossed a BIG hurdle!

  9. I hope and pray that things do work out for Jim...we have spent a lot of time at IUPUI...Roger's day had so many surgeries...I don't know the exact number, but you wouldn't believe me if I told you. He had cancer, just basal cell, but let it go too long...

  10. Praying for a good outcome. I can't even imagine being thin, and am always irritated at those who can eat a bear and still have to wear a belt to keep their jeans up.

  11. I do hope everything comes together soon and Jim gets his new lung.
    I used to be able to eat anything and stay thin, that all changed when I turned 55. Probably because I sit around a lot more than I used to.

    1. I've never been thin, Jim got all the thin genes, but I was in far better shape.

  12. I love the Doors. Transplants are a scary proposition. I hope he gets the ok for it and it takes.

    1. He has the okay now, so that's one bridge crossed!

  13. Hurrah for being on the transport list!! And what a lovely family Dana has, and lol at 'heaviest.' My 2nd oldest is at his heaviest too and looks to be the same weight as Dana. ;)

    Happy to see Jim Morrison here. He's one of my faves.

  14. Such positive news... and such a cute nephew!

  15. Good luck Jim! I hate that you had so many pass away boom boom boom in a row. It's supposed to happen in 3s. Your family was hit hard!


C'mon, be cranky and let 'er rip!